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Alpha Omega Computers LTD computer network solution providers
putting the technology in place that makes your information work for
you. Visit our website for more information about how Alpha Omega
can enhance your business. IMPORTANT: This E-Mail is confidential and
may also be privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please
notify us immediately by telephoning 01924 507 300. We monitor
all our company incoming and outgoing email for spam and
inappropriate words and sometimes genuine messages can be filtered
out. Do not assume that an email has been received by us just
because it has been sent to us. Internet communications are not
necessarily secure and may be intercepted or changed after they are
sent. In the event that an e-mail is intercepted after we have sent it
Alpha Omega Computers LTD will not accept liability for any changes.
Important communications should always be followed up by a phone
call, fax or printed copy. If you wish to confirm the origin or content of
this communication, please contact the sender using an alternative
means of communication. In messages of a non-business nature, the
views and opinions of the author are their own and do not necessarily
reflect the views and opinions of the organisation.